Healthy Mind International provides professional service to promote mental health in the Earth’s largest ethnic group – the Chinese.

In my clinical work treating Chinese patients from around the corner – and around the world, I am constantly struck by how culture influences the way Chinese people think, behave, and live their daily life.  As a Chinese, I am very proud of the long history of Chinese culture, and its significant contribution to the world.  However, as a psychiatrist, I have witnessed how Chinese patients struggle with the enormous culture-related stigma attached to mental illness.  Because of the stigma and lack of scientific knowledge, many Chinese people run in the “dark tunnel” of suffering from mental illness for years, decades, or even a lifetime.

I thank my patients and their families who shared with me their personal stories.  I admire them for their courage in dealing with challenges and their dedication to the healing process.  Their experiences and ideas illuminate the lives of tens of thousands of Chinese people.


Xiaoduo Fan, MD, MPH, MS

Boston, USA


About Dr. Fan